
OurLadyIcon“We, the parishioners of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, aspire to lead Christian lives through our parish ministries: community building; Christian formation; evangelization; prayer & worship; social outreach; and stewardship, by assessing the spiritual and future needs of our community, being mindful that it is Christ’s work, and we must allow Him to radiate His light and love in providing the means to meet the mission.”


Allhallowtide Festival Potluck

Saturday, November 2nd after 5pm Mass in St. Mary’s Hall We invite all parishioners to embrace our Catholic identity by participating in the Allhallowtide Festival. The Three days of All Hallow’s Eve, All Hallow’s Day Read more…

Flocknote – Parish Communications

If you wish to receive parish communications and updates via text, sign up for Flocknote by texting  OLPHCAMDEN to 84576. If you prefer email notifications, send an e-mail to Jatorres@charlestondiocese.org Subject Line: FLOCKNOTE. Please provide Read more…

Caregiver Support Group

2nd Monday of each Month 11:30 am to 1:00pm in the Classroom area. A group of us gather monthly in one of the classrooms to discuss concerns and ideas for supporting our loved ones on Read more…

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

1709 Lyttleton Street

Camden, SC 29020

Give us a ring

(803) 432-6131 
Mon - Thu, 10:00 - 4:00