Welcome to Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Camden, South Carolina! We would love to have you join our parish family. Registration is the official way to join our parish but it is more than filling out a form. Registrating is a way to be included in the prayer life, religious formation, social and ministerial activities of the community. Registration not only shows you belong, but is necessary for certain benefits such as:

  • Scheduling sacraments (Baptism & Marriage)
  • Obtaining sponsor certificates and letters
  • Letter of Good Status for official organizations
  • Participating in Religious Education Program
  • Engaging in Parish Ministries & Organizations
  • Receive Financial Assistance for a Catholic Education
  • Getting donation statements for tax purposes

Committing to a parish is much like a commitment to a family, sports team, school, or community organization. Just as you want the parish to be able to provide Masses, Sacraments, and Religious Education programs, the parish needs to be able to count on you to be an Active Parishioner to help and assist in the parish mission. We would love to have you join our family! Please complete both sides of the form and return it via offertory basket, mail, or in person in the office. Thank you!



Contact Name:  Nancy Romaniello  Hablo Espanol

Email:  Nromaniello@charlestondiocese.org