Baptism For Infants:
To have children baptized at OLPH parents need to:

  1. Be practicing Catholics attending Mass regularly
  2. Be registered members of OLPH
  3. Attend 2 sessions of Baptismal preparation. No date will be set for baptism until both sessions have been completed
  4. These preparation sessions are required for the family’s first (2) children.

Contact  Nancy Romaniello at the parish office to register for the Baptism classes at 803-432-6131 Ext. 11.

Baptism for Children 7 Years and Older
The process of initiation into the Church for children older than seven (7) years of age, who were not baptized as infants, is determined by each child’s readiness.  Parents need to speak with the Pastor discuss the preparation need for the child as Canon Law requires pastors to ensure that a person is well-disposed and prepared to receive any sacrament.

Parents should speak with Ashley Price to discuss the preparation needed for the child prior to receiving the sacrament of Baptism. 

Email Ashley Price or call: 803-432-8808 – Hablo Español