Responding to our Lord’s great commission to  “Go and make disciples, teaching all that I have commanded”    (Matthew 28: 19)

The parish offers instructions in the Catholic Christian Faith through the RCIA process. The process guides with love and compassion those whom He calls to the sacraments and full communion with His Church. Weekly sessions cover theology such as:

  • Christology
  • Sacramental and Scriptural Theology
  • Moral Theology including Stewardship and Social Justice
  • Maryology (the study of Mary)
  • Study of the Saints
  • Church History

This process is for adults who have not been baptized or were baptized in another denomination, as well as for adult Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation. Class schedules vary per year depending on the overall class membership’s availability, and normally run from early September to May.

Email: Deacon Stephen Goodman OR
Email: Rev. John M. Zimmerman – phone: 803-432-6131