Lenten Stations of the Cross
Join us for Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent at 6:30pm. A meatless meal is offered by various ministries at OLPH immediately following Stations of the Cross in St. Mary’s Hall. Join us Read more…
Join us for Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent at 6:30pm. A meatless meal is offered by various ministries at OLPH immediately following Stations of the Cross in St. Mary’s Hall. Join us Read more…
Tuesday, March 18 @ 6:00pm Our parish penance service is scheduled for Tuesday, March 18 @ 6:00pm. We currently have (2) additional priests, one of whom speaks Spanish. Feel free to arrive either for the Read more…
The Pastoral Council needs your input and constructive feedback to help us establish priorities and improve our service to the parish community. If you have ideas, suggestions, or useful feedback, please submit them by completing Read more…