We offer various methods of communication to keep you informed so there is always a way to know what is happening in our parish!
- Weekly bulletin – distributed after Mass each weekend and viewable on our website by midweek.
- Bulletin boards located outside each church entrance
- Flocknote – emails or texts with Parish Announcements and Ministry updates delivered right to your inbox.
- If you wish to receive parish communications and updates via text, sign up for Flocknote by texting OLPHCAMDEN to 84576.
- If you prefer email notifications, send an e-mail to Jatorres@charlestondiocese.org Subject Line: FLOCKNOTE. Please provide your Name, Email, Cell Ask to receive messages by email.
- Facebook
- Youth Group: YouthMin Olph
- Parish App—myParish App
- To download the MyParish App, scan the QR code below or text the word APP to the number 55321. You will receive a link to download the application.
It is recommended that events be announced at least (3) weeks in advance. The bulletin is submitted to the printer by 12 noon each Monday. Articles should be received by NOON on Friday the week before the desired publication date. On holiday weeks, by NOON on Thursday before the desired publication date. Please submit articles to the parish office in person, by mail or email Nromaniello@charlestondiocese.org